Thursday, February 4, 2010

Qumran, the place where archaeologists found scrolls of the Old Testament that were 2200 years old--the oldest copies we have. Caves like this one pepper the area. In May Liberty University will bring a team of students to this site to continue digging here. The people who lived in this area were purists who had left Jerusalem because they felt that the Pharisees and other there were hypocritical and corrupt. The Essenes, as they are called, had a strict set of rules in Qumran. As an example, here are some of the rules archaeologists have found on scrolls:
All of the following sins would result in 1/4 food reduction for 3 months.
"Falling asleep in assembly, missing a vote, spitting in the assembly, exposing one's genitals, laughing loudly and foolishly."