Monday, January 4, 2010

Airport Terminals

Well, I've been lodged up in the Dullus International airport terminal since 7pm yesterday (01/03/2010). My flights were delayed due to strong winds (45mph) in D.C. so I couldn't get on my connecting flight to Frankfurt, Germany. As of now (01/03/2010), I'll be getting on the 7:15pm flight to Frankfurt out of Dullus, then I have 45 minutes to get through customs and security in Germany until I have to board my connecting flight to Israel. If I can't make that--and I probably won't--then I'll have to get on a 10:50Pm flight out of Germany for Tel Aviv, Israel. Unfortunately this means I will have missed about 2 whole days of traveling through Israel, but I can only go as fast as they let me. After all, I don't want to be in a plane that lands nose first into the ocean due to wind.
The lady sitting beside me on my flight from Roanoke to Dullus said, "you can't fight Mother Nature." The truth is, you can fight it but you might lose. In light of that, it's reasurring for believers to know that Someone rather than something is in charge of the wind (Matt. 8:27).

Thank you for you prayers and support!


Anonymous said...

Haha! Love this picture! Love you! - Wife

rnoelwalton said...

This picture cracks me up! So sorry to hear about all of the delays!

Anonymous said...

still praying D Marlow

Anonymous said...

You look like a dirty cat.