Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Jordan made it safely to Jerusalem! Praise the Lord! He barely made his connecting flight from Germany but was able to hop on just before it left! The Lord was surely with him! He is missing his luggage and the airline isn't quite sure where it is! Please continue to pray for him and that his luggage will arrive soon!

For those of you who would like to "see" Jordan you can download a free program called Skype. All you have to do is go to Skype.com and set up your account! We have done this and it has been so amazing to be able to video chat with him! Kelsie is constantly going to my computer and looking at the screen and saying "Daddy, Israel"! It is too cute! Once you have set up your account all you have to do is add him into your contacts. His name is righteousinchrist.

Thanks for all the prayers and support!


Anonymous said...

SOOO glad he made it safely!! Praying luggage arrives soon! Praying this time in Israel will be life changing for him!!! No place like Jerusalem, that's for sure!!! and my dad says he feels safest there - highest resurrection rate in the world if something happens to you ;-) hehe!

Anonymous said...

oops, didn't identify myself! this is Faith ;-)